Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hello Again.

So it has been more than awhile since I have felt like writing. Since getting home I have been on a rollercoaster of emotions busy with family, friends, and putting in way too many hours of work at the mall and not enough at CrossRoads. But as I look back on this year it has been a great one, truely a gift from God.

I was given the oportunity to get a great education and graduated from Trinity Christian College.
I met my newest family members Brooklyn Hope and Nolan Jeffery.
God showed me a new corner of His world when I spent some time in Hawaii.
I've been able to share my faith without persecution (and that is a gift I so often over look).
God challenged me and dove deeper with me into the waters of faith and spirituality.

....just to name a few.

But this year has also been a struggle. I thought I'd be teaching. I thought I'd be living in Hawaii. If you had asked me 6 months ago where I would be and what I'd be doing I promise my answer would not have been "Still iving at home and working two part time jobs." No, but that is ok. I am content. I know I am in a place where God is using me and that is a good feeling. I know my life is not my own and I am happy to give it to God to further His kingdom.

As of late I have had my greatest challenges of the year by far. We are stuggling with a cancer scare my dad got at the dentist just three days ago. When a routine cleaning turned up a red flag of tongue and throat cancer my life came crashing down. Monday was a biopsy and emergency root canal. Today, epidural. We do not know just yet what it is, but God is sure does. I know God has a plan. If it is cancer, God knew it would be before time began. If it is not cancer, He knew this would be a time for us to learn to lean on Him (and not our own understnading). I guess all of this up and down the past few days is what brought me back to this blog. I need to get out my emotions. I need to remind myself that I trust God fully.

My dad is my best friend. We have been through a lot together and without him I am not sure I could have made it thought the past four years. And now with this scare of more illness I worry that the great gift these past 8 years have been with him being here at all are coming to an end. BUT then I remember my God is a BIG God. He is not limited. Not my anything or anyone. His plan for my dad and his life and his health are perfectly planned. I am completly trusting God because He is good and loving and amazing and more than I could imagine or ask for.

"Ever good and precious gift is from above" James 1:17

(Yes, I know this post was all over but it was a reintordution and an update and a release)